
Maintenance for Your Condensate Pump

Home Improvement

Condensate pumps are an essential element of HVAC. As cooling occurs, condensation forms within an HVAC system. Most systems rely on gravity and a 3/4-inch drain line to move this water towards its intended destination; some installations however may require pumping into an attic area or through other obstacles using a condensate pump for efficient drainage. We is one of the nation’s premier distributors of pumps and pump parts for various applications, such as hydronic cooling and heating systems and steam heating equipment. From Bell & Gossett and Zoeller to Armstrong and Taco pumps, State Supply stocks an assortment of hydronic, condensate, boiler feed pumps, vacuum and sump pumps from many top brands for its clients’ every need.

How It Works

A condensate pump consists of three main components, the reservoir, floating and pump. Together these work in concert to eliminate condensation. As soon as condensation levels increase in the reservoir it raises the float which in turn activates the pump which forces condensate out through its line and out of your home – once all condensation has been drained away it falls back down and shuts off automatically – usually 110-volt electric condensate pumps are usually installed near an HVAC system and can plug directly into an outlet nearby for quick removal & easy use & storage & control!


Condensate pumps are highly resilient; however they require regular maintenance to prevent premature failure. Failing condensate pumps could overflow and cause major water damage; overexposure to moisture could also promote mildew and mold growth within your home. Regular inspection will not only extend their longevity but can help determine when its time for replacement as well. If unsure or unclear on how best to take care of cleaning or inspecting them yourself, an authorized HVAC contractor should take over responsibility.

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Before disconnecting and cleaning the pump, take time to observe its surroundings to make sure it’s not leaking. If any surface has become saturated with moisture or there has been water accumulation nearby, locate its source so you can make repairs as required. It is crucial that before beginning any condensate pump cleaning task that you first disconnect or switch off power in the main box for breakers; also unplug from any PVC tubing connecting the reservoir – one line must pass through an HVAC unit while another leads directly into a drain line – before starting to operate your condensate pump cleaning task – disconnect it or switch off power in order to perform repairs before beginning any cleaning process on it if required.

Be careful when running the HVAC system when its pump is turned off. Unplug and place in a safe working location before cleaning its reservoir with pure water to remove dirt or other debris that has accumulated inside.


Use a bottlebrush or similar device to wash all openings along your drain lines and where they meet, clearing any obstructions that have formed over time and then rinsing the pump with water – taking care not to oversaturate its motor with too much moisture or damage may occur.

Use compressed air to clear away dust, dirt and other particles that have collected on your pump motor’s vents. If there’s too much algae in the reservoir – an all too frequent occurrence! – use algae tablets from home improvement stores before connecting your pump. The pressure of compressed air will then help clear away drain lines linked to your pump.

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Reconnect the drain lines back to the reservoir for your pump, and make sure they are connected in their proper positions. Restore power to it before filling your reservoir’s opening with clean water to turn on its pump and evacuate any leftover water from it. Inspect for leaks and make any needed repairs before switching on your system again.